what can one do to overcome the swot challenges of us postal service

If you want to thrive in a competitive marketplace, you accept to appraise the condition of your business, inside and out. Internally, you take to understand what yous're doing well, and where you could meliorate. Externally, yous accept to consider where to take your business organization next, and predict emerging market place challenges y'all'll likely face.

Attaining this information may seem like a tall club, especially if you're a small business concern owner or piece of work every bit a marketer for a smaller visitor, but it doesn't need to be complicated. To kickoff, all y'all need is a pen and paper.

In this guide, nosotros'll explore the SWOT analysis and TOWS assay. Taken together, these strategies volition allow you to evaluate your business, streamline your business planning, and develop a stronger business strategy.

What Is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is the process of uncovering and examining different aspects of your business, and organizing your discoveries into a unproblematic 2X2 grid template. Each quadrant of the grid corresponds to one letter of the acronym SWOT. The acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Here's a breakdown of what each give-and-take means in the context of a SWOT analysis:

  • Strengths: Strengths are things your business organization is already doing well, the unique resources your team possesses, or any competitive advantages y'all have. Strengths are internal factors, so you can build on them and use them to your reward.
  • Weaknesses: Weaknesses are areas where your business could ameliorate, where resources are needed, or areas where your competitors are surpassing you. Weaknesses are too internal factors, and then you tin can often address and overcome them.
  • Opportunities: Opportunities are areas y'all can take advantage of now. These could exist new resource available to you, emerging trends y'all could lean into, or whatsoever strengths you've withal to prefer into your strategy. Like threats, opportunities are external factors because they're beyond your control.
  • Threats: Threats are anything that could negatively bear upon your business organisation from the outside or any obstacles your business currently faces. You can usually get a sense of your business organisation'southward threats or competition when yous run a market place assay. As an external factor, threats are often beyond your control.

Since the information is presented in an easy-to-read grid, SWOT analyses are quick and straightforward assessments. And Once everything is organized, the status of your business is easier to appraise.

When Should I Practice a SWOT Analysis?

There'southward no right or wrong time to do a SWOT assay. There are, however, times when a SWOT analysis can exist peculiarly useful.

Here are 4 times when it's a adept thought to look inward and outward:

  • When internal business conditions modify—Maybe yous've got a new CEO, your business concern is scaling rapidly, or departments are beingness restructured. A SWOT analysis tin can provide insights that can help with transitions and adjustments.
  • When external market place weather condition change—New competitors, shifting economical weather, regulations, and other shifts in the marketplace tin can leave businesses in need of reflection. A SWOT analysis can assistance keep you on your toes and ready to address incoming challenges.
  • Before strategic planning—Strategic planning often involves new initiatives and changes in resource resource allotment. Before beginning the planning process, information technology helps to know the current condition of your business or squad and so y'all can make forward-looking decisions.
  • On a scheduled ground—While most companies do strategic planning every few years, it won't hurt to practice a SWOT assay on a more than regular basis. A quick SWOT analysis on a quarterly or semi-almanac basis will provide data you can use in the short term, and bring to the strategic planning process when it's time.

Now that we've described what a SWOT analysis is and when you might desire to do ane, let's look deeper at the process of creating a SWOT analysis by focusing on each quadrant.

How to complete the iv sections of your SWOT Matrix

One of the true benefits of a SWOT analysis is that it's easy to bear. All you lot actually need is a way to write down ideas and a willingness to await squarely at your business organisation.

While you lot can bear a SWOT analysis on your ain, information technology helps to bring other people to the table. Brainstorming with others can help identify things y'all might have otherwise missed and clarify ideas that aren't fully formed.

In person, you can use viscid notes or a white board to do your assay. Remotely, you might consider software similar MIRO.


Once you've drawn your grid and gathered your team, information technology's fourth dimension to start working through the four quadrants of your SWOT analysis. As yous begin, record ideas in the correct quadrant.

The "S" in SWOT stands for strengths

The strength quadrant of your SWOT analysis will include things your business organisation or team is doing well. Remember, strengths are internal, so yous'll need to wait inward to discover them. It's also of import to hold onto the idea that strengths are things yous accept command over, and so you tin can build on them later.

Questions to enquire to uncover strengths:

  • What exercise nosotros do well?
  • What have our customers or partners told united states of america they like about us?
  • In what areas do we outpace our competitors?
  • What's unique about our concern, products, or services?
  • What assets do nosotros own? (Intellectual holding, proprietary technology, capitol)

SWOT analysis strengths examples:

  • Nosotros accept excellent customer support
  • We offer features no other company offers
  • Our website traffic is higher than 75% of our competitors
  • We're getting great appointment with our social media marketing campaigns

The "Westward" in SWOT stands for weaknesses

The weaknesses quadrant of your analysis will include areas where your business or team needs improvement. Like strengths, the weaknesses section requires you lot to expect in. And no matter what y'all uncover, don't despair! Weaknesses are things you lot frequently take control over and tin can improve.

Questions to enquire to uncover weaknesses:

  • What tin we improve?
  • What are our customers or partners dissatisfied with?
  • Where practise we autumn behind our competitors?
  • Where are we lacking in knowledge or resources?

SWOT analysis weaknesses examples:

  • Our processes are inefficient.
  • Our customers observe our product difficult to utilise.
  • Our organic traffic is lower than our competitors.
  • Nosotros don't accept the resources to aggrandize.

The "O" in SWOT stands for opportunities

The opportunities quadrant will include strategies or resource yous can currently apply as a business. Opportunities are non controllable by you, every bit they are external to your business. Knowing where the opportunities are, still, allows yous to move toward them.

Questions to ask to uncover opportunities:

  • What emerging trends can we take reward of?
  • Which of our strengths might be valuable to potential partners?
  • What adjacent markets might nosotros tap into?
  • Are there geographic locations with less competition?
  • Can we share our story or successes with the world?

SWOT assay opportunity examples:

  • Customers want a product like to ours. Can we adapt to meet the need?
  • Our service/product fills a void they may want to fill up in their visitor.
  • Nobody sells our product in Canada. Can nosotros expand?
  • Nosotros just hit a major milestone. Tin can we get some positive press?

The "T" in SWOT stands for threats

The threats section of your SWOT assay will include potential bug or challenges yous could confront as a business organization. Again, threats are external factors, and then they're things happening outside of your business. They aren't controllable, but you tin can actively program for them.

Questions to inquire to uncover threats:

  • What is our competition doing?
  • How could our weaknesses leave us vulnerable?
  • What market trends are we unprepared for?
  • What economic or political issues could impact our business?

SWOT analysis threats examples:

  • Our master competitor is launching a product with similar features
  • Congress is discussing a bill that would touch on our business
  • The economy is struggling to suit to new atmospheric condition nether Covid xix
  • We don't have the marketing upkeep to compete with our competitors

Hither'due south an case of what a SWOT analysis template looks like when information technology'southward all filled out.


iii existent-earth SWOT examples

Now that nosotros've covered the basics, let's expect at some SWOT assay real life examples. We'll cover 3 areas in business concern where a SWOT analysis can be helpful:

  • Marketing
  • Ecommerce
  • Market place conditions

As nosotros explore each of these areas, we'll offer examples of tools you can use to sharpen your assay and derive useful data-driven insights.

Marketing SWOT assay example

In marketing, a SWOT analysis is oftentimes a standard part of a strategy review or competitive analysis. It can assist you empathise where your marketing strategy is potent or weak, and how you can out-market your competitors. You lot may want to consider things like:

  • Electric current and by marketing campaigns
  • Client recognition and sentiment
  • Your website, landing pages, and social media

While companies always want to await at their own internal analytics for data on their marketing efforts, Semrush'southward . Trends tools can help uncover useful insights about the competition that can complement whatever SWOT Analysis.

Let's wait at some top vehicle makers to run across where we can discover some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats among them.

To compare data between competitors, nosotros could use Semrush'due south Market place Explorer tool. The tool offers a Benchmarking report that shows side-by-side comparisons of several metrics. Let's showtime with the Marketplace Share by Channel graph.


Based on this graphic, we tin see that Ford Motor gets the nigh traffic overall, and also captures the about traffic from straight search (32.57%), referral (24.21%), search (29.76%), and social (26.86%). This indicates that they take skillful make recognition, proficient relationships with other companies who transport them traffic, and a strong SEO and social strategy. Simply Toyota beats them when it comes to traffic garnered from paid traffic (33.51% compared to 13.35%).

With this information, Chevrolet might add together marketing across dissimilar channels to their SWOT weakness examples. While they aren't at the bottom of the heap, in that location's plenty of room for comeback.

Next, we can look at the Traffic Generation Strategy report to get a sense of where companies are getting their traffic, and where our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats lie.


Looking at this chart, information technology's clear that Chevrolet's direct traffic is on par with or even slightly higher than most of their competitors. Nosotros could mark this as a strength and an opportunity in our marketing SWOT analysis. Direct traffic indicates skilful make awareness, as visitors are coming to their site without needing to employ Google or being referred in some other fashion. We could as well add this brand awareness to our SWOT opportunities examples because a potent brand presence is something nosotros can build upon.

Which brings us to the Market Traffic vs Selected Domain Trends graph, which shows traffic trends over time for your competitors.


If we look at traffic coming through social media for the past twelvemonth, some interesting trends emerge. From May through July 2021, there's been a large downswing in traffic coming from social media across the market, overall.

This could nowadays an opportunity or a threat for our SWOT analysis, depending on the reason for the downswing. In one sense, there might be an opportunity for Chevrolet to make investments in marketing on social media to capture some of the traffic other companies were engaging from March to May.

On the other manus, if less people are using social media, leading to a major downswing in traffic and subsequent sales, that could bespeak a market shift that could pose a threat to automakers.

Ecommerce SWOT analysis case

When it comes to Ecommerce, it's all nearly products and sales. An Ecommerce SWOT analysis can be specially useful when you're launching new products or experiencing rapid growth. You may want to consider things similar:

  • Delivery time
  • Production range
  • Website performance
  • Checkout process

Once more, Semrush .Trends tools tin can help yous uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats when it comes to Ecommerce. Let's begin with the Traffic Analytics tool. We can use the Top Pages written report to gain insights almost competitors' businesses.

Looking at Ford's summit pages, a trend emerges. Pages that let customers to customize or "build" their own vehicle receive a large amount of traffic.


For Chevrolet, who may not have as many customization options, this could present a threat or an opportunity. If they have the chapters to increase customization options for their vehicles, they might motility toward that opportunity. If not, they volition surely lose online customers who prefer the customization options through Ford'southward website.

We can examine the metrics for a specific page on Ford'due south website, which can come in handy for tracking newly released products. For example, if Chevrolet was releasing a vehicle similar to Ford's new Bronco, they'd want to benchmark their data confronting the metrics of the Bronco landing folio.


With this graph, the fizz around the Bronco becomes clear. Of all page visitors, 87.24% are using search and being directed to the Bronco landing folio. If Chevrolet recently released a similar vehicle, and aren't getting the same level of traffic, they might mark this in their SWOT analysis as an example of a threat.

Finally, nosotros tin use the top pages written report to get a sense of Ford'southward monthly sales numbers and criterion that against our own. To practise this, filter the Height Pages report using the word "confirm", which will bring the buy confirmation page metrics into view.


Hither, the graph shows Ford's "/buy/reserve/confirmation.html" page received 131.9K unique page views concluding yr. While this number doesn't necessarily reflect the number of cars sold, information technology can provide a general sense of the effectiveness of Ford's sales funnel. We tin can then benchmark this number confronting our own to uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats.

Marketplace conditions SWOT analysis example

Changing market conditions can lead to precarious situations for any businesses. A SWOT analysis focused on your place in the market can help you stay aware of your position and ready for your competitors' moves. You may want to consider things like:

  • Year-over-yr growth
  • Market share
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Geographic impact

You could begin past looking at Market Explorer's Growth Quadrant. Setting the chart to show year over year growth (YOY) tin can illuminate trends that help y'all fill out your SWOT chart.


As an established player, Chevrolet might note their stability as a forcefulness in their SWOT analysis. This past yr, they experienced a slight pass up in traffic and traffic growth, only they remained amongst the established players on the graph.

In terms of threats, Honda and Toyota both moved from the Established Players Quadrant toward the Leaders Quadrant. In general, these companies could pose a threat to Chevrolet moving frontwards.

We can as well view the Market Geo Distribution study, which shows the distribution of market place traffic by country and changes since the previous month. Nosotros switched the nautical chart to reflect top changes to come across where the growth is happening internationally.


Depending on Chevrolet'southward activity in these countries, they could employ this data to confirm strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats. For example, if they are already selling a lot of cars in the India, this could signal a strength because they are engaged in a growing marketplace.

To the contrary, if they hadn't cleaved into the Indian market, only had the means to do so, they might mark this as an opportunity. Either way, seeing the growth in these markets provides useful data for completing the SWOT Analysis.

Using a TOWS analysis for actionable insights

One time you've brainstormed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and written all of your ideas into your 2X2 SWOT template, the question becomes: What practice I practise with this information?

While SWOT analyses are a great fashion to understand your business organization, they don't necessarily lead to actionable strategies you tin apply to move frontward. This is where a TOWS analysis comes in handy.

As an expansion of the SWOT analysis, a TOWS analysis allows you to run into the relationship between internal and external factors, and strategize based on these insights for better business outcomes.

For your TOWS assay, yous'll need to expand your 2X2 SWOT matrix with four additional boxes, and label them:

  • Strengths/Opportunities—Ideas for using your strengths to seize opportunities.
  • Strengths/Threats—Ideas for using your strengths to overcome threats.
  • Weaknesses/Opportunities—Ideas for minimizing your weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities.
  • Weaknesses/Threats—Ideas for avoiding your weaknesses while minimizing threats.

By deepening your original SWOT analysis with a TOWS assay, and looking at the relationships between the quadrants, you'll discover strategies for moving forward. Below, we'll use Chevrolet as an example to dig into the TOWS assay process.


Main Takeaways

Businesses that thrive are both inward and outward looking. They have time for self-reflection, while also studying their surround. Before you can get where you want to become, you have to understand your position, and The SWOT analysis process provides a clear path for this kind of holistic understanding.

In one case you've assessed your position, you can employ the TOWS process to figure out how to move frontward. Past cross referencing the dissimilar points found on your SWOT analysis, the TOWS analysis provides insights on powerful strategies for realizing your goals. There are too many other options equally well, such equally the "pest assay", which can illuminate additional insights.

Taken together, these tools provide a powerful process for looking inward, outward, and toward the future.


Source: https://www.semrush.com/blog/swot-analysis-examples/

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